Stephen Oxley is founder of Oxley Capital Connections – OXC a firm he founded in the UAE in 2024 dedicated to helping global investment managers raise capital in the Middle East. He was formerly held a serious of business development functions in the Middle East and Europe and worked as an investment consultant.
I have known Stephen for many years, and have always known about his fascinating backstory as an actor – and a performer in a one man show at that – Stephen starred in The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy.
This seemed like a natural launch point for a discussion around the lessons learned through building a career as a successful actor, and in particular the skills needed to connect with a crowd when you are quite literally a “one man show”. Stephen describes the tactics of connecting with an audience, and a different audience every night, and the kind of rejection that hurt more than others. We move then to discuss OXC and the marketplace of the Middle East where he is now focused. We learn about asset allocation preferences, relationship building and the fast-moving dynamic of this region.
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