Results for "Rowing"

Series 2 2022: Diverse and Frontier Founders and VCs: The Road Ahead

In our second series focused on founders, allocators and investors on the Frontier – we hear from a diverse group of professionals who share their vision for investing, impact and change.  From venture capitalists focused on the burgeoning world of Prop-Tech, to investing with a gender lens, developing a network to change the black narrative in the professional world, to harnassing the power of music royalties, to payment platforms  – we share insights from the coalface.

Cynthia Steer – An Investment Legend Reflects

Cynthia Steer has had a multi-decade career in investment management, spending time as an investment director, CIO, and Chief Retirement Strategist at a series of large consulting firms, and she now holds a broad range of investment committee and independent director roles.

134. Tremaine Wills – Mind over Money and Mind over Matter

Tremaine Wills is the founder and chief operating officer of Mind Over Money, which provides financial planning advice and manages investment portfolios to help clients meet their financial goals. She formerly spent time as an investment advisor representative, and from 2015 to 2019 worked as a maths teacher initially for Teach for America. Based in Virginia, she is passionate about increasing financial literacy for the black community in particular.

Charna Ambers of CB Design NY – Building Brands, Leveraging Contacts, Navigating Change

Charna Ambers is founder of CB Design NY, which specializes in corporate brand and marketing design for clients across a range of industries, including in particular healthcare, lifestyle, and real estate. 

Our conversation starts with her upbringing in upstate New York, her first roles and how she came to the decision to launch her own firm. We talk about her vision for branding and design, and how she builds her network. We delve in particular into her LinkedIN strategy, and how she was an early adopter on the platform and has ultimately garnered more than 30,000 followers.

Naomi Krieger Carmy – Solving Societal Challenges through Innovation and Impact

Naomi Krieger Carmy is a Senior VP at Social Finance Israel, an Israeli not-for-profit organization that issues Social Impact Bonds. She has had a global career that has spanned roles in investment banking, economic development and policy, and has recently had a particular focus on furthering innovation through the UK Israel Tech Hub a public/private venture to promote business and tech collaboration between the UK and Israel. Her most recent role prior to the current one was as VP and Head of the Societal Challenges division at the Israel Innovation Authority, where she was was responsible for policy, programs and funding for R&D of impact tech and development of human capital for the innovation ecosystem.

Connie Teska – A Founder with Experience in Abundance

Connie Teska is principal and co-founder of Pluscios Management, a fund of hedge funds manager based in the Chicago area. Pluscios is a Greek term meaning wealth, abundance, and riches, and the firm, founded in 2006, has two female founders. She has a long history in investment management, particularly in the area of alternative investments.

Our conversation returns to Connie’s Greek roots, and what growing in a family of entrepreneurs and small business owners taught her about work ethic, resilience, and respect for knowing what goes on “in the weeds.” We move to her banking career, and what inspired her to start a firm.

Pat Lynch – A Chicago Legend Shares a Few “Golden Rules” of Sales and Business Building

Pat Lynch, who was Founder, President and CEO of Chicago Equity Partners, a Chicago based asset manager for over 20 years. He now holds investment and strategic advisory roles within the investment industry and is on the board of directors of Loyola Business School, as well as the Ballmer Center for Social Justice.

One of the legends of the Chicago-based fund management scene shares his instincts for determining how people like to buy and how to develop a sales pitch accordingly.