Henry Tapper is the CEO at Agewage, a firm committed to helping people understand their pension pots, and the Founding Editor of the Pension Playpen, which provides guidance on pensions. He has been involved in financial services for his whole career, and is a high profile advocate for pensions education and transparency. We start with Henry’s background, his year on a herring fleet in Iceland and how he fell into selling financial products because he couldn’t find another job. We reflect on the staggering differences between training for such roles then v. now, and how this ties back to the value for money discussion that is now pervasive in asset management. Henry is a high profile voice in the cause of creating fairer, more transparent pension solutions, and his initiatives AgeWage and the Pension Playpen, a procurement website, which was set up to help employers choose their workplace pension. AgeWage is designed to help people feeling confident about the pensions decisions that they’re taking and to make use of investment data in a way that they can understand. This returns to the topic across this series of financial literacy, and how it is essential across every age group. We mull on the importance of the industry reporting on the outcomes of the work done for ordinary people in a way that ordinary people can understand, and end with some beautiful quotes from some of Henry’s favorite poets. Series 4 is brought to you with the kind support of Federated Hermes, Inc., a leading global investment manager. Guided by their conviction that responsible investing is the best way to create wealth over the long term, their investment solutions span equity, fixed-income, alternative/private markets, multi-asset and liquidity strategies and a range of separately managed accounts, distributed through intermediaries worldwide.
Keywords :
Business Building
Financial Literacy