Helen Gottstein is the founder of Loud and Clear Training, a communication and presentation strategy business where she serves global clients from her Israel base. She has had a long career in training women to get heard, inclusion and diversity training and presentation skills. Today, she shares her tips both as a founder and women’s advocate.

Our conversation starts with Helen’s youth in Australia and what influenced her in becoming a feminist at the age of 19. We trace that journey through her move to Israel, and her ongoing advocacy for and training in communication skills. We discuss the concept that visibility = career and examine how women can enhance their own visibility by becoming spokespeople for their firms and generally elevating their standing within the organization. We look at the particular challenges of staying visible and being heard in online meetings, when etiquette has been disrupted and new rules take shape.

One of Helen’s themes is to look widely for where bias exists – and how sometimes it is internalized and held by women against women. Her encouragement to check this, and to reach outside our comfort zone – even if that is where the “terror” happens, is energizing, just like one of her executive training sessions would be. Helen has an active presence on LinkedIn, and you can learn more about her live sessions there and on her business website.

This podcast series was made possible by the kind support of Elissa Bayer and Avital Eusgeld.