In this inaugural “next chapter” podcast episode, we hear from four extraordinary leaders in investment management circles – each pathbreakers in their own right, and each of whom is dedicating this current chapter of their career to a portfolio of Board and other roles.

Many executives enter a portfolio or “plural” career once they finish up a traditional executive role, but there is a distinct lack of guidance as to what it is that makes a good director or investment committee member, and particular a good chair.  We hear from these experts about the benefit of perspective, the mantra of “eyes on, hands off,” the role of providing counsel to executives and to contributing to the efficacy of a Board. We hear what it is to coach and nurture the next generation of leaders, and why helping to shape diversity on Boards is an important way of bringing about lasting change.  We hear about the importance of an organization’s mission, how a good chair will draw out the optimal contributions of everyone around a table, keep time and bring about effective decision-making.

This podcast series was made possible by the kind support of Darwin Alternatives.Darwin Alternative Investment Management Limited offers innovative, alpha-driven investment solutions that are uncorrelated with traditional asset classes and feature business areas which have not previously been considered by investment funds. The firm aims to create new opportunities for investors to further diversify their portfolios and achieve stable absolute returns.