David Mooney is a former asset manager and commodities specialist, having spent close to 30 years in the financial services industry. He has managed derivatives and commodities desks at investment banks and hedge funds, and ran a fund of commodities funds for close to 10 years, which is when we met.
David is a bit of a legend in the area of commodities investment, and I have always known him to have a skeptical eye and an aversion to hubris. Never afraid to call a spade a spade, in this podcast David gives a refreshing overview of the industry he made his own and advises that it is always essential to maintain the element of surprise.
We turn to the topic of diversity and inclusion and LGBT inclusion in particular, and David has some fascinating insights into the way things were – as well as into the way they are starting to trend.
This podcast was made possible with the kind support of David Mooney, as well as Tom Soto of the Diverse Communities Impact Fund.
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