Dalit Heldenberg is a vice president at GLOAT, a talent marketplace, and has had a close to two decade career in hi-tech. She is committed to helping people thrive at work, and is a co- founder of LeadWith – Women Leading tech, which is a non-profit organization focused on empowering and promoting women in technology careers at all levels in Israel, as well as the Israeli chapter of Girls in Tech.

Our conversation tracks Dalit’s early entry into her career, and how she from the very beginning pushed boundaries to pursue an initial position and then a shift to a project manager role. We discuss how she coped with rejection, and the support circles she built around her in order to create a supportive network for debate and discussion of issues at work. We turn to her juggling of family obligations with a demanding career, which was the genesis of another industry organization, Lead With, which creates a network and set of supports for women including one called Lead With Babies, where mothers are welcome to bring their babies to industry-focused seminars and events.

Besides those groups already mentioned Dalit is involved with groups particularly focused on encouraging young women to enter STEM and related areas – these include Cracking the Glass Ceiling, and 8200 Impact and she is an active mentor within the the tech community. She follows people who change the conversation around women in the tech workplace and is committed to doing this herself.

There is more information on Dalit’s affiliated groups on the links below:

This podcast was made possible with the kind support of Emanuel Arbib of IAM Capital Group, a global alternative investment group, and the individuals Elissa Bayer and Avital Eusgeld.