In our podcast, Dafna describes how she grew in a family of entrepreneurs and discusses her time in the Israeli army where at the age of 18 she became a lieutenant overseeing a group of 20 men. This experience shaped Dafna and made her understand what she was capable of. So much so that when Dafna moved to America in her twenties, she realised that she needed to set up her own company, as no one in the US quite understood her skillset and potential. Hence, D|Rolls was born.
A great believer in coaching, Dafna used it to help build both her business and navigate her role as CEO. Although D|Rolls business headquarters are in Boston, Dafna and her family moved back to Israel after 10 years. Initially, Dafna found the challenge of being a long-distance CEO fraught, but ultimately she used it as an opportunity to change and learned the importance of letting go a little. Dafna, who is a big supporter of female entrepreneurs, also shares her insights into why they sometimes give up too soon and the importance of hanging on in there. A firm believer in optimism in both business and life, Dafna discusses the value of persevering in the face of obstacles, the necessity of having a good support system, and the beauty of being above forty.
This podcast was made possible with the kind support of Emanuel Arbib of IAM Capital Group, a global alternative investment group, and the individuals Elissa Bayer and Avital Eusgeld.