When we created The Fiftyfaces Podcast in 2020, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of our guests, their willingness to tell their stories and the fact that so many of these compelling stories “told themselves.”
As our podcasts and sub-series multiplied, we saw the need to centralize this content and optimize its accessibility and searchability. We also wanted to make the numerous resources cited by our guests accessible and reachable in one place. So the vision for The Fiftyfaces Hub was born.
You have reached the central landing page of the hub, and each of our series has its own separate “spoke’ containing lists of podcasts, which are searchable by name and keyword–access to resources cited, affinity groups, further reading and wellbeing resources including meditations.
As we add new series, we will add new spokes, and all of our pages will be unified here at The Hub. We welcome your feedback to make access to this compelling content even easier and more intuitive.

Aoifinn Devitt

Maeve McQuillan

Genia Diamond