Eddie Welch is an alternative asset specialist at Nuveen, a role he has held since April 2021. He previously worked as an Associate at CIM Group, focused on real estate investing, and prior to that and his degree at Ohio State University worked in a wide variety of roles and played college football.
Our conversation starts with Eddie’s upbringing, the influence his grandparents had on him and the lessons he learned through youth sports, in particular football, which he pursued all of the way to college. We hear how he did not love the sport initially, and how it taught him to persist in the face of adversity. When an injury forced him to retire from football his life took a detour away from college into the public sector. He worked in the prison sector for a period, first in a low security men’s setting and then in a high security women’s setting and we talk about the lessons that he learned from that experience – the humility, the reminder of the complexity of all people and of their potential.
We turn then to his return to school to complete his degree and how that experience was as a mature student and then his entry into finance. Eddie’s story is one laced with rich experiences and insights.
Series 2 of 2023 is kindly sponsored by Beach Point Capital Advisors, an investment manager that believes in investment beyond the traditional. It specializes in credit investments and employs a flexible, value-oriented, risk-controlled focusing on complex and less well-followed opportunities.
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