Kerry Duffain is head of institutional client solutions at Fidante Partners.  She has had a long career, that has involved over two decades of working with institutional investors and consultants, but also a number of other intriguing positions, such as her first position – as a newsreader of English news in Bahrain.

This ability to improvise, adapt, work hard and step outside her comfort zone has been a constant throughout her career – which has seen Kerry move around the world – in industries involving factory floors, a brewery, engineering electronics, until she finally became “hooked” on finance.

Kerry has built businesses large and small, but what remains the same is her sheer hard work, her persistence and her ability to pivot and adapt. She isn’t deterred by getting a no – she sees the positive in at least getting an answer – and the potential for building a relationship that is solutions focused. She shares that in building businesses to be successful one needs to be like a three legged stool, with a business focus, a client focus and a focus on how the business operates. Kerry, of course, makes fusing these three look easy.

Series 3 is brought to you with the kind support of Federated Hermes, Inc., a leading global investment manager. Guided by their conviction that responsible investing is the best way to create wealth over the long term, their investment solutions span equity, fixed-income, alternative/private markets, multi-asset and liquidity strategies and a range of separately managed accounts, distributed through intermediaries worldwide.