Paul Guilliotti is Assistant Director – Financial Services – at Richmond and Wandsworth Councils. He has had a long career in local government and is a frequent participant in discussions around leveling up and LGPS pooling. Our conversation starts with Paul’s childhood where he spent some time in Zambia during his early school years. We speak about any take-aways from that time and then dig into the origins of his unusual name a little.
We then trace his long years of service in public service, and how he ended up in a pension fund role and the investment beliefs that he developed over the years.
We then cycle through many topics, including leveling up, local investing, the origins and success of local government pooling and the challenges facing pension plans such as his today. We talk about managing a funding level that is now over 100% and Paul’s interest in getting ahead of the pools when it comes to renewable energy investment. We speak also about a certain lack of diversity in the investment industry particularly as it relates to socio-economic diversity and mobility.
The last part of our discussion is dedicated to Paul’s side passion which is for football and we learn that he is a hugely devoted volunteer to a League 2 football team, Sutton United. Paul does a range of different roles for that team and it is now gaining traction although has not yet attracted the Hollywood star wattage of Wrexham. While we hope that this Fiftyfaces Podcast can achieve that, we are not, at this stage certain it can go quite that far – but it is a start.
This podcast is brought to you with the kind support of Tom Raber and Alvine Capital, a specialist investment advisor and fund placement boutique with offices in London and Stockholm. An early adopter of the “reverse enquiry” form of placement, Alvine relies on insight and dialogue with its pan-European investor base to develop and source investment solutions from a wide variety of industry providers.