Trailer – Series 4 of 2024 – The Rise of the Custom Portfolio

As we enter high summer here we come with some summer bounty here at Fiftyfaces Podcast as we launch Series 4 that is bursting with wisdom and insights. Because life is not linear, these stories are not linear either – and they stress the power of the individual. Hear from an introvert who found her calling in connecting with people in private we...
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39. Soltan Bryce of Colorful Capital and Guidehouse: Making Finance and Public Health Flow with Pride

Soltan Bryce is a managing consultant at Guidehouse, which is a consulting firm focused on Public Health Strategy, Application Development and Management, and was recently acquired by Bain Capital Private Equity.  He is a part time General Partner at Colorful Capital, which  focuses on “finance flowing with Pride” and aims to bring capital su...
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38. Susan Berland – Coach and Advocate – working with parents of LGBTQ+ youth

Susan Berland is a coach for parents of LGBTQ children.  She has been VP of PFLAG in the East Bay area, PFLAG is a national organization providing support and advocacy for parents, families and allies of the LGBTQ community. Susan has been a coach for most of her life, and is the proud mother of a gay son. She has channeled her lived experience...
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37. Fabrice Houdart of the Association of LGBTQ+ Corporate Directors: Measuring the Cost of Homophobia

Fabrice Houdart is Executive Director of the Association of LGBTQ+ Corporate Directors as well as an Advisor to Fortune 50 companies and a former staffer at the World Bank and UN.  He is an adjunct professor at Columbia University and Georgetown University, where he lectures on LGBT inclusion within international development. He is a consultant to...
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36. Lindsey Young: Quiet Wealth – Loud Impact

Lindsey Young, is the founder of Quiet Wealth LLC, which she started to provide a comprehensive set of financial advisory services that successful LGBTQ+ professionals and their families need.  She previously spent 15 years in Silicon Valley finance, primarily as a investment banker working on M&A, IPOs, leveraged finance and other transactions fo...
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35. Mark Segal – Original Founder of the Gay Liberation Front – Lifelong Activist and Advocate

Mark Segal is a social activist and author, who participated in the Stonewall riots and as one of the original founders of the Gay Liberation Front where he created the Gay Youth Program.  He was the founder and former president of the National Gay Newspaper Guild, and has won various journalistic awards.  He is a lifelong activist who organized ...
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4. Keren Leshem of OCON Therapeutics: Safety in Innovation

Keren Leshem is Chief Executive Officer at OCON Therapeutics, which develops innovative and safe intra-uterine medical solutions inspired by women’s bodies and anatomy, She is also a board director at Aspivix, and was recently awarded Best Women’s HealthTech CEO 2023 in the Global CEO Excellence Awards.  She holds a number of other Board Roles...
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