Kate Nevin is President and Portfolio Manager at TSWII Capital Advisors, a role she has held for over 20 years.  She is active with many industry groups (such as The Academy of Institutional Investors and Nexus) and community organizations focused on conservation and gender equality. She was a Riley Diversity Fellow.

Our conversation starts with an upbringing filled with books and the great outdoors, and we trace that all the way through to Kate’s undergraduate study of creative writing and her early career as a writer. We move then to her pivot into finance during the years leading up to the GFC and her switch to private office investment that coincided with a move back to her roots in Charleston, SC.

Kate is a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion and our discussion is laced with statistics around the gender pay gap and current statistics regarding female founders.  Both in her work at TSWII and as a diversity fellow, Kate has ensured that female founders have access to mentoring, networks and coaching in order to thrive.

We end with a some inpiration from a Native American Healer who exhorted that she should Show Up, Deliver and Move On. This dynamic podcast just that.

Series 2 of 2023 is kindly sponsored by Beach Point Capital Advisors, an investment manager that believes in investment beyond the traditional.  It specializes in credit investments and employs a flexible, value-oriented, risk-controlled focusing on complex and less well-followed opportunities.

You can find all of our podcasts on The Fiftyfaces Hub, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.